Last night, Sarah and I attended a Post Christmas gift exchange. Stacy Muise, the mastermind of this event, laid out the rules:
  1. Gift wrap something you own that you no longer use (still in working condition, of course)
  2. Bring it to the party.
  3. Determine an order for choosing presents (we drew cards, lowest went first.)
  4. Choose a gift-wrapped item from the pile.
  5. Congratulations! you just got someone else's stuff!
  6. If you see a gift you would like, you may, instead of choosing an unknown gift, steal an unwrapped gift from another player. They must then choose another unwrapped gift, or steal from another player.
  7. Repeat this process until all gifts have been assigned. Trades may be made at this point.
    All in all, it was a tremendously fun event. I ended up with a set of twelve six-sided dice, some pixie sticks, and a poutine kit. Sarah ended up with a phonics word game and some chocolate. Stacy ended up getting some old CDs I had, and Darwin ended up with some of Sarah's kitchen gadgets.

    We preceded the gift exchange with tree decorations and delicious cake. We finished off with a nice bunch of board games! Dixit, Tsuro, and Wizard all made appearances. I will explain Dixit and Wizard in future posts. I intend to start posting reviews of board games for two reasons:

  1. It will give you an idea of the games we tend to play around here.
  2. It will inform you of games that you might no have heard of, and give you a chance to figure out if you'd be interested in them.
    In any case, Regiftmas was a rousing success. Big thanks to Stacy for organizing this event!

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